Wouldn't it be nice to make stronger and lighter furniture that uses much less material and emits much less CO2?
Valuable raw materials turn into waste because we cannot reuse them. Products are burned, end up in the ground and in our oceans. In this way, toxic substances and CO2 damage our living environment. This results in environmental pollution, climate change and the depletion of resources.

What if the raw materials could be reused?
Furniture panels make up so much of our surroundings. We see them at work in the form of furniture such as desks, tables, pantries, cabinets, walls and at home as beds, doors and kitchens. Worldwide, the market for these panels is about USD 145 billion per year. Unimaginable quantities of panels are produced 24 hours a day and simultaneously discarded. Huge amounts of material are extracted from the earth in this way and about 85% of the panels that are thrown away are burned.
Wouldn't it be nice to make stronger and lighter furniture that uses much less material and emits much less CO2 into the environment. Wouldn't it be nice if the raw materials were healthy and could be reused.
#GREENGRIDZ, the circular furniture construction panel with a healthy mission is going to make a difference. We will make sure everyone can build healthy and strong circular furniture with less material, less CO2 and less waste.